ICTS International N.V. appoints Rom Shaked as CEO of I-SEC International Security B.V.

January 1, 2022

ICTS International N.V., the sole shareholder of I-SEC International Security B.V., has appointed Rom Shaked as CEO of I-SEC as of January 1, 2022. Shaked, who has been employed by ICTS since 2015 in various executive positions, will combine his position of Managing Director at ICTS and CEO of I-SEC. Till the end of December 2021, Rom acted als Deputy CEO of I-SEC.

ICTS International N.V., the sole shareholder of I-SEC International Security B.V., has appointed Rom Shaked as CEO of I-SEC as of January 1, 2022. Shaked, who has been employed by ICTS since 2015 in various executive positions, will combine his position of Managing Director at ICTS and CEO of I-SEC. Till the end of December 2021, Rom acted als Deputy CEO of I-SEC.

Rom takes over the responsibilities from Mart Vergouwen, who had been I-SEC’s CEO since 2019.

“I am excited and honored to lead I-SEC in its next phase. Supported by a team of highly skilled professionals, we will continue on our mission to make the world safer by ensuring excellence in security,” says Shaked. “I would like to thank Mart Vergouwen for his dedication and the outstanding job in getting I-SEC where it is today”.

About I-SEC

I-SEC, with headquarters in Amsterdam, specializes in providing worldwide aviation and high-risk security services worldwide. In addition to employing security assistants, I-SEC offers security technology and standardized and customized training courses for security staff and management. I-SEC employs over 6,000 people at 16 international airports in Europe and Asia.

I-SEC is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. (OTCQB: ICTSF). For more information, visit www.ictsintl.com / www.i-sec.com.