I-SEC provides security services for NRG Energy & Health Campus
The Netherlands | February 21, 2023Petten (The Netherlands), I-SEC has been selected as the security service provider for the NRG Energy & Health Campus. In April 2023, approximately 55 guards will take care of the security in the Pettemer dunes.

NRG plays an important role in studying, developing and making nuclear medicines. NRG operates the High Flux Reactor (HFR), owned by the European Union, and is the world market leader in the supply of isotopes, the basic ingredient of nuclear medicine. There are six reactors worldwide that produce isotopes. The reactor in Petten is responsible for supplying 35% of all isotopes worldwide and no less than 65% in Europe. This makes the reactor the largest producer and supplier of isotopes in the world.
Security Services
The security team will provide security services including surveillance Reactor, hostesses (reception), switchboard and on-call services.
“Since January 2021, we are providing the security services for the adjacent Joint Research Center (JRC). It is a great opportunity that we can share our experiences with NRG. It benefits our ambition to grow further within the High-Risk Security segment.” – Rawin Jharap, Managing Director in The Netherlands
About I-SEC
I-SEC, with headquarters in Amsterdam, specializes in providing worldwide aviation and high-risk security services worldwide. In addition to employing security assistants, I-SEC offers security technology and standardized and customized training courses for security staff and management. I-SEC employs over 6,000 people at 16 international airports in Europe and Asia.
I-SEC is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. (OTCQB: ICTSF). For more information, visit www.ictsintl.com / www.i-sec.com.