I-SEC wins contract for armed checkpoint protection at Frankfurt-Hahn Airport
September 12, 2024I-SEC secures another contract within a very short time and takes over the armed checkpoint protection at Frankfurt-Hahn Airport!

As part of a contract put out to tender at short notice by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, I-SEC was once again able to impress with its expertise and is taking over the service at Frankfurt-Hahn Airport.
In addition to armed protection of the passenger checkpoints, this also includes daily patrolling of the airport grounds.
Airports are among the so-called critical infrastructures that are of essential importance to the state community and whose failure or disruption has a significant impact.
The service therefore makes a significant contribution to the welfare and safety of the general public.
I-SEC has not only secured its fifth new contract in Germany this year, but has also expanded its services in the field of critical infrastructures with a further contract!
About I-SEC
I-SEC, with headquarters in Amsterdam, specializes in providing worldwide aviation and high-risk security services worldwide. In addition to employing security assistants, I-SEC offers security technology and standardized and customized training courses for security staff and management. I-SEC employs over 6,000 people at 16 international airports in Europe and Asia.
I-SEC is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. (OTCQB: ICTSF). For more information, visit www.ictsintl.com / www.i-sec.com.