I-SEC Sets Sail into Nordic Waters with Port Security Contract for CMP

Denmark | April 22, 2024

Copenhagen (Denmark), I-SEC announces its first contract for port security services in the Nordic Region. This summer, a team of 20 guards and 40 screeners will be responsible for the security services at Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP). This partnership marks a significant step towards enhancing maritime safety and hospitality standards in Nordic ports.

Starting in April, I-SEC will be responsible for safeguarding port facilities, vessels and passengers, marking the beginning of a partnership aimed at redefining the port experience. By prioritizing efficiency and courtesy, I-SEC aims to ensure a seamless embarkation process, setting a positive tone for travelers as they begin their journey.

“Our commitment to security with a smile resonates profoundly. By screening baggage and passengers, we not only uphold the highest standards of safety but also enhance the overall cruise experience. Our aim is to strike a balance, ensuring that every journey begins with a safe, pleasant, and memorable experience, setting the stage for their vacation ahead.” – Bettina Herø, Country Manager of I-SEC in Denmark

About I-SEC

I-SEC, with headquarters in Amsterdam, specializes in providing worldwide aviation and high-risk security services worldwide. In addition to employing security assistants, I-SEC offers security technology and standardized and customized training courses for security staff and management. I-SEC employs over 6,000 people at 16 international airports in Europe and Asia.

I-SEC is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. (OTCQB: ICTSF). For more information, visit www.ictsintl.com / www.i-sec.com.