I-SEC is a new security service partner for Teruel International Airport

Spain | January 25, 2023

Teruel (Spain), I-SEC is a new security service partner for Teruel International Airport and will be responsible for the security of the airport complex.

Teruel airport
Teruel International Airport is an industrial-aerospace hub, located at the European aerospace industry, and is recognized as Teruel’s aeronautical platform, PLATA. The airport serves as a maintenance and storage facility for aircrafts. With 550 hectares, it is the largest MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations) platform in Europe. There is room for at least 250 long-term parking spaces for aircraft.

The modern airport has a flexible infrastructure that offers the possibility to expand into passenger traffic and air cargo in the future. “We are happy to be able to share our knowledge and expertise. Together with the airport, we create a safe environment for visitors and employees.” Hugo Cea, Manager Director Spain at I-SEC.

About I-SEC

I-SEC, with headquarters in Amsterdam, specializes in providing worldwide aviation and high-risk security services worldwide. In addition to employing security assistants, I-SEC offers security technology and standardized and customized training courses for security staff and management. I-SEC employs over 6,000 people at 16 international airports in Europe and Asia.

I-SEC is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. (OTCQB: ICTSF). For more information, visit www.ictsintl.com / www.i-sec.com.